Tuesday, September 22, 2015

When I grow up...

Growing up we are often asked "What do you want to be when you grow up?"  With the new school year having just began for my AB, I was reminded of this question and quickly began wondering, for myself, "What AM I going to be when I grow up?".

As a small child, I wanted to be Ms. Piggy,

maybe it was her long beautiful hair, her glamorous attire or her multitude of accessories; I don't really recall but it was a dream that I quickly realized was unrealistic.

Throughout my middle school years I decided that all I really wanted to be was a wife and mother.  

Wifey to Z

Mama to AB

Mom to Cam

Mom to T

I have certainly accomplished this but quickly discovered that these professions did NOT pay the bills, it actually created more.  

In high school, as "real" life quickly approached, I leaned toward a career in sports medicine but life took hold and instead, I became a wife and mother.  During the first 2 years of Cam's life, I was fortunate enough to be able to stay at home but after my son was born it became a must for me to get a job that paid in more than hugs and kisses.  Fortunately a dear friend of mine was able to help me get hired on as a bank teller.  For the next 16 years, I worked in the financial industry.

After a branch closure due to down sizing, I was laid off.  

I have been "wandering" for the past 2.5 years...bring me back to the question:

"What are you going to be when you grow up?"

At 41, I should have an answer, right?  Well I don't.  This time around I have been trying to be more mindful, intentional about what I choose to do for the next 30 years of my life but I have yet to FIND my calling.

Last night, I attended a ladies night out as a local church and was reminded of the following:

Soooo, at this point I don't have an answer to THE question and I don't know what career will fill my days but I DO know that God has a plan for me, even at 41, and if I'll just put my trust in him---he WILL show me the way.   

For now, I'll continue to be a Wife, a Mother and the best dang Patient Service Rep that I can be. Maybe one day I'll have an answer and can complete the essay... 


  1. I love this!! Can't wait for future posts 😊

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great first blog post! Keep up the great writing!
