Tuesday, September 29, 2015

T-minus 87 days...

What, What??

Y'all, where does the time go?  I mean, really; 87 days, I swear I just took down the tree.

Oh well...since I can't convince Father Time to add a few more hours to the day or a few more weekends to the calendar, I guess all that is left to do is embrace the time that I have left and start planning.  Planning is what I do best, I have at least 3-4 lists going at any one time (but that is a post for another day), so today I'm going to share with you some gift ideas for those on your Gift List.

For the WOMEN in your life:

I am on my 2nd pair of these babies, they are beyond wonderful!
They are like a sock but have a warm fuzzy Sherpa lining and a non-skid sole.  They have many designs options available and are very affordable.

Blanket Scarf

This is one of my favorite scarf purchases of all times.  It is so versatile, warm and just plain lovely!  Word to the wise, I had a very difficult time finding this scarf last year.  I ordered online and it was over a month before it shipped so keep that in mind when ordering...like order NOW if you want this in time for Christmas.

For the MEN in your life:

I don't have any personal experience with the YETI brand but I have heard many compliments for the product.  I think that this would make a great gift for Dad, Father-in-law or brother.  I have also been told that you can have them engraved for more of a personal flare.

Here are a few of my favorite masculine monograms designs:

Columbia Fleece Vest
Most of the men in my life do not like to wear a coat so I think that this is the perfect substitute.  Enough coverage to give them warmth through the core but not bulky to get in the way of doing their manly things.

For the KIDDOS in your life:



Check out these adorable personalized pillow cases from Lolly Wolly Doodle.  There are many boy and girl designs to choose from as well as "older" pillow designs for the tween/teen in your life.  WARNING:  There are sooooo many cute, adorable gift items that can be found on this site so proceed with caution when shopping. 

Surfer Car Plate

T-REX plate

How fun would it be to eat off one of these plates?  Lima Bean Kids has over 100 design options available for your little ankle biters.  

For the COLLEGE STUDENT in your life:

This gift idea would be great for any young adult just getting started but I know from first hand experience with my oldest that college kids get HUNGRY.  Not only do they get hungry but they are also always broke so quick, on the go snack food is much needed and appreciated by this genre.

A less personalized, but much appreciated, gift idea for this crowd is $$$---straight, cold, hard cash.  There are a lot of clever gift wrapping ideas to be found online that can make this gift option more exciting for the giver.  Here are a few of my faves:

I would love to hear of some of your gift giving ideas...comment away!

Happy Shopping!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Happy Fall Y'all!

I love all things fall...no humidity, colorful leaves, bonfires, football, sweatshirts and scarves; the smell of pumpkin, cinnamon and burning leaves.  Once August rolls around, the kids head back to school and vacations are over, I'm ready to move on~bring on the scarecrows, corn stalks and jack o'lanterns.  

So today, in honor of the first day of Fall, I'm going to feature my fall decor.  Not gonna lie-I've been decorated since Labor Day but it's what makes me happy so here ya go...

Centerpiece for my dining room table

A year ago, Zane made me a "box" (really more of a rectangle but no one says "I have a rectangle full of decor on my table") from an old pallet that I change up with each season.  For fall I used pine cones, acorns and scarecrows along with votive candles in mason jars.  The runner is cut from a roll of burlap that I picked up at Wal-Mart.

Leaf Banner

I made this banner and it hangs from my hutch which is also in the dining room.  The leaf cutouts came from Wal-Mart as well and were hot glued to some cutout burlap and hung from jute rope.

This sign in a FAVE this year.  I found it at Dollar Tree of all places for, get this, $1.00!  Love those kinds of bargains.  You can't really see from the pic but it is all sparkly w/ glitter which also makes me happy.

Fireplace in Living Room

Yet another banner which is semi-homeade.  It says 'Happy Fall'.  I picked up the banner at Wal-Mart but added ribbon and leaves to dress it up a bit.  The other decor scattered throughout are items that I have picked up over the years or that AB has made.  Another FAVE of mine is the jack o'lantern on the mantle...AB made it a couple of years ago and it is a painted brown sandwich bag!  I added the ribbon and absolutely LOVE it!

Front Door

Back Door

Back Porch

To welcome us each day, I have corn stalks on either side of the steps at the back porch with a few pumpkins.  I picked up my pumpkins from a local farmers market, Jaemor Farms, here in town.  And as a side note, if you are local and have the chance to visit Jaemor Farms' Commerce location---you MUST try their deli.  Their deli sandwiches are to DIE for!!  (That's my opinion, they didn't pay me to say that.)

Check out this gnarly pumpkin...it's called a knuckle head.  

I also have little tidbits of fall scattered throughout the house like this little pumpkin hanging out in my kitchen by the sink. 

Well, that's a wrap on my Fall Home Tour; if you haven't yet decorated-what are you waiting for?  Just think, when all of this comes down it'll be time to decorate for CHRISTMAS!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

When I grow up...

Growing up we are often asked "What do you want to be when you grow up?"  With the new school year having just began for my AB, I was reminded of this question and quickly began wondering, for myself, "What AM I going to be when I grow up?".

As a small child, I wanted to be Ms. Piggy,

maybe it was her long beautiful hair, her glamorous attire or her multitude of accessories; I don't really recall but it was a dream that I quickly realized was unrealistic.

Throughout my middle school years I decided that all I really wanted to be was a wife and mother.  

Wifey to Z

Mama to AB

Mom to Cam

Mom to T

I have certainly accomplished this but quickly discovered that these professions did NOT pay the bills, it actually created more.  

In high school, as "real" life quickly approached, I leaned toward a career in sports medicine but life took hold and instead, I became a wife and mother.  During the first 2 years of Cam's life, I was fortunate enough to be able to stay at home but after my son was born it became a must for me to get a job that paid in more than hugs and kisses.  Fortunately a dear friend of mine was able to help me get hired on as a bank teller.  For the next 16 years, I worked in the financial industry.

After a branch closure due to down sizing, I was laid off.  

I have been "wandering" for the past 2.5 years...bring me back to the question:

"What are you going to be when you grow up?"

At 41, I should have an answer, right?  Well I don't.  This time around I have been trying to be more mindful, intentional about what I choose to do for the next 30 years of my life but I have yet to FIND my calling.

Last night, I attended a ladies night out as a local church and was reminded of the following:

Soooo, at this point I don't have an answer to THE question and I don't know what career will fill my days but I DO know that God has a plan for me, even at 41, and if I'll just put my trust in him---he WILL show me the way.   

For now, I'll continue to be a Wife, a Mother and the best dang Patient Service Rep that I can be. Maybe one day I'll have an answer and can complete the essay...