Thursday, September 22, 2016

You're Invited...

to my Blog Hop Party.

Happy Birthday Lipstick, Pearls and Running Shoes!!!

Image result for blog birthday

Today marks my blog's first birthday.  It seems like only yesterday that I decided to take the leap into creating my own space within the World Wide Web.  So in celebrating my creation, I thought I'd honor those that inspired me and have a Blog Hop Party.

So grab a glass of sweet tea, a cup of joe or a bottle of wine and ENJOY!

First up is this lady...


Her blog is probably one of the first blogs that I ever read.  She is such an inspiration!!!  She is also the inspiration behind my running.  Reading and following her story provided me with the motivation to begin running and is often where I turn when my ambition tanks.

Next on the tour...

This lady right here is hilarious!!!  She is a fun, light read and has impeccable fashion sense.  I can always count on her to provide me with a smile.

And then there is this Mama...

Y'all, this Mama does it all!  She is a mother to 4, a business owner, a baker (to name a few) sharing her life story all while loving Jesus in the cutest outfits.  She inspires me to be a better person.

I stumbled upon these next two Mama's by way of Shay's blog...



She makes me want to have babies again.  When you look up the word "creative" in the dictionary, you'll find a picture of her.  The thoughtfulness that goes into her everyday life is remarkable.  And how she gets is all done at the end of the day is beyond my understanding. #momgoals


The Slaughters
Isn't her family just the most adorable!  This Mama keeps it real and relatable.

Speaking of keeping it real, let's hop on over to...

Not only is she a great blogger, I love watching her story on Snapchat.  She also has an online boutique...Ollie Marie Boutique, which carries some super cute attire.
She provides great fitness inspiration too!

And last but certainly not least is...

About Me
I have just recently began following Heather but I love her heart for her family and the Dawgs.  She is from Georgia as well and you just have to support a home town gal.

Well, I hope that you have enjoyed my Blog Hop Party as much as I have enjoyed hosting.



to great things in the upcoming year!

Thank y'all for stopping by!!

Until Next Time,

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Breakfast Danish

I LOVE to cook breakfast on the weekends!  Throughout the week, with everyone rushing to get to work and school, cereal is usually the 'go to' meal but on the weekend I like to spruce it up a bit.  So today I thought that I'd share one of my family's favorite breakfast dishes....breakfast danish.

Linking up with Heather and Johanna for today's post.

I got this recipe from a family member who got it from a coworker so I don't know where it actually originated...but it is a good one.

As you can tell from the picture...I have used this recipe a time or two.

As you can also see, my recipe is title Breakfast Bread; my blog post is titled breakfast danish AND you'll probably hear it referred to in our home as "the cinnamon/sugar cream cheese stuff".

SIDENOTE:  Instead of mixing together sugar and cinnamon (ingredients for B.), I just use store bought Cinnamon/Sugar combo.

Preheat your oven to 350.

So you'll want to mix 16 oz of cream cheese (softened works best), 1 cup of sugar, the egg yolk and 1 tsp of vanilla (which is missing here because I used it all in home-ade ice cream the night before) together until all nice and creamy.

Then you will take 1 can of the crescent rolls and roll them out onto the bottom of a greased 9x13 baking dish...

Next you'll spread your cream cheese mixture atop the layer of crescent dough.

Then roll out the 2nd roll of crescents on top...

Brush the top of the crescent dough with the reserved egg white...

and sprinkle generously with Cinnamon/Sugar.

Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.  Remove from oven and let rest for 5 minutes.

Finished product...resting


It is great served hot with a side of bacon but it is also delicious cold and even the next day as leftovers.

Give it a try this weekend...I promise you will not be disappointed.

Until Next Time,

Friday, September 16, 2016

Friday Favorites~~Beauty Product Edition

Happy Friday y'all!  
I'm so excited for this weekend because other than a game on Saturday, I have NOTHING else planned...woohoo!  Looking forward to some much needed rest and relaxation.

On to today's favorites...I decided to showcase my favorite beauty products.
Linking up with ErikaNarci and Andrea.

In my opinion their are 3 'must haves' when it comes to makeup:

1.  Foundation
2.  Mascara
3.  Lip Color

Anything more is just icing on the cake.

First up...Foundation

I began using Mary Kay Creme-to-Powder foundation many, many years ago.  I fell in love immediately and refuse to use or try any other foundation product.  It goes on smooth, never clumpy and provides a natural, not "made up" look.  It provides flawless coverage, blending any imperfections in skin tone.   I never have to reapply and it will take me from morning until night without dry or oily patches.

Next up...Mascara

I have only been using Maybelline's The Colossal Volum Express for a few years.  I love the way it separates, curls and volumizes my lashes.  It isn't waterproof (which I like) and comes off easily with makeup remover.  I don't have to scrub and scrub-which can cause wrinkles btw.

Please excuse the crazy eye expression...trying to showcase my bottom lashes after mascara application.

#3...Lip Color

Want a little shimmer and light color>choose Burt's Bees Lip adds just a touch of color with a soothing "menthol" cooling effect.

My fave color is FIG.

Lip color by Burt's Bees Fig Lip Shimmer 

Need a bit more coverage>choose Mary Kay Creme's creamy and smooth, providing all day coverage without cracking or clumping.

So there you have top 3 favorite beauty products.

I feel as if I should also add, I am not a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant...I just like her product line.  #obviously

What is your favorite beauty product?

Until Next Time,

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Excused Absence...

Please excuse my absence over the last month ... life has kicked my butt!

I don't know about you but when my life gets busy, hectic, stressful and downright overwhelming; the "quiet" things tend to get placed on the back burner.  My "quiet" things are exercise and the blog.  Both have suffered from my absence over the last month.  I've not exercised regularly in 2 weeks and it has been a month since my last post.
Everything seems to slowly be getting back to order so I am happy to pick up where I left off.

Image result for now back to your regularly scheduled program

Just to get everyone back up to are a few tidbits of what's been going on:


I am once again coaching AB's cheer squad.  I have 8 girls and couldn't have asked for a better group of young ladies.  They (and their parents) have made my job easy.

First Game Run Thru

BC Leopards vs. FC Rebels

Our Leopards are doing a great job!  We are currently 3-1 with Game 5 on Saturday.  Looks like the playoffs are in our future.


AB and I did try out the new walking trail at the local rec department.  It was quite the workout, a little more than a mile in length and very hilly.  We'll definitely be back!

To update my progress (or lack thereof) with the Summer Running Checklist...I have completed 5 of the runs.  I only have until next Thursday so I will NOT be meeting my goal of 21.  Oh well, such is life.

Labor Day

We took advantage of the long weekend and went camping at Mountain Lakes.  We had a football game on Saturday but did make it back in time to watch the Dawgs play.

On Sunday I did a little reading while Z grilled a Beer Butt Chicken.

This was my first time having a Beer Butt Chicken but it was the best tasting chicken EVER!!!
So good and soooo easy...


And...I had a birthday; #42 to be exact.

On Saturday the 3 of us went to the rodeo after having dinner at Bar H BBQ (best stew in the state of GA)...a birthday tradition.  The Flat Creek Rodeo Company hosts this event the 2nd weekend of September and my attendance is "non-negotiable".  I just love it and always have a great time.

On Sunday, Z made cheesecake and it was DELICIOUS!!!

I supervised of course.

Well that should have us all up to date.

What have you been up to lately?

Until Next Time,